Guided refactoring

Modernise legacy code with the help of an expert

Increase the speed of development

Legacy code is often difficult to understand and modify. By modernising the code, it becomes easier to add new features and modify existing code.

Limit the risk of a full rewrite

A full rewrite of an application is risky and costly. In many cases, it is better to modernise the existing code step by step. Together we determine the best strategy.

Refactor your legacy code

So-called legacy software can be a major challenge for development teams. Such code is often long-standing, outdated and difficult to understand, making it difficult to add new features or adjust existing code. Legacy code often lacks automated tests, which means there is a high risk of introducing bugs when making changes to the code.

Rebuilding an application from scratch is an option, but comes with a high risk and cost. It also often makes it impossible to implement new features or improvements while the rebuild is in progress. In most cases, it is better to modernize (refactor) the existing code step by step, even though this may sometimes seem like an impossible task. Get help from an experienced expert to determine the best strategy and to guide the modernization of the code in the right direction.

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Guided refactoring

Support with the modernisation of your codebase.

Get in touch

  • Analysis of the current codebase
  • Advice on the best strategy
  • Support with refactoring
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All prices are excluding VAT.

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Portretfoto van Nic Wortel, software consultant

Let's get in touch to discuss the possibilities.